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Case Study · VIGOR

Contextual Advertising boosted brand awareness levels for Blokker among target users in the Netherlands


Our Key Results



average CTR


of Ad Recognition


increase on AdOnline Recall

Vigor VIV relied on Contextual Advertising and new attention metrics to maximize its target audience's engagement with its products

MEET Vigor

The Vigor VIV products, Launched in 2021 are composed of products seen as healthy and functional and have a broad portfolio of sub-brands to reach several different targets and their daily needs in a natural and healthy way, following the brand values, with a focus on physical and mental wellbeing.Products (Protein VIV, VIV Búlgaro, shot probiótico VIV e 3 grãos VIV).

The challenge

Contextually to communicate for the main Vigor VIV clusters, the right product from Viv’s line to each consumer profile, with different routines, behaviors and interests, stimulating the importance of a body in movement and promoting “viable” wellbeing.

Our solution

We’ve developed an exclusive contextual strategy in which we also had measurable attention metrics with a tag developed by Seedtag and Lumen Institute Research. 

For the campaign, we’ve utilized data from Seedtag LAB, an exclusive program offered to our main clients to create contextual strategies tailor-made.  The LAB count on A.I. and Machine learning to identify the main context and interest of content for each Vigor’s product audience profile. The technology also presented engagement metrics that were inserted on the creatives, allowing us to measure all interactions on each element of the creative, in a view per content territory totally cookie-less.

The results were strategically aligned among Seedtag and DM9 looking to optimize performance focused on seconds of attention per mille impressions delivered. The work allowed us to look at and measure the campaign performance and measure the time of attention earned from each territory’s interest profile and their subclusters, reaching a very high level of attention and results.

Contextual Territories:

  • Nutrition
  • Fitness
  • Recipes
  • Family
  • Business
  • Vacation
  • Exercises
  • Influencers
  • Dance

The Solution

Contextual Impact Display

Case Study · LG

LG uses Contextual Advertising to spread its campaign dynamically and creatively

Home & Garden Technology & Computing

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