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Investigación · Tokyo Olympics

Tokyo Olympics Contextual Insights Q2-21

Integrate your brand into the most premium sports content, gaining share of voice while leveraging all media noise and content trends.

+500M UU reached worldwide through our Premium network.

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Tokyo Olympics stats

Capitalise on the world’s greatest sport event using Contextual Advertising in Tokyo Olympics. Integrate your brand into sports content.

05 · new disciplines added

17 · days of competitions

33 · different sports

339 · olympic medals

11.090 olympic athletes

Get to know the Olympic Games’ fan base


of the adult population watched the Rio 2016 Olympic Games at some level. Most of them either at home or at work.


of the adult population find Olympic athletes inspirational - seize the momentum by linking your brand with some of them thanks to our A.I.

25-34 y.o.

is the age group that are the most passionate Olympics fans. Leverage this opportunity to connect with younger audiences

Seize a global content consumption trend: sports content is at record

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and despite the lack of live sports events, the consumption for this type of content has experienced a global upward trend.

7.7 hours / week spent consuming sports content

+35% increase in sports news consumption

Access the stay-at-home economy

Nothing brings people together like sports.

Due to the current situation, most people will be gathering to enjoy the games at home.


order food for most of every game

1 in 2

make multiple apparel purchases inspired by sports


purchase home entertainment inspired by sports

Engage with your audience in a whole new way

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